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Hair Transplant


Hair Transplant

Hair transplant or hair transplant; It is the transplantation of strong hair follicles taken from the nape or any part of the body to the area that has suffered hair loss. Hair transplantation, which is a surgical method, should be performed by a specialist team. Hair transplantation is applied with different methods.

Hair Transplantation Techniques

Although there are many hair transplantation methods, there are 2 techniques in hair transplantation today. These techniques are;

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Hair Transplant Technique

FUT hair transplantation technique, which is one of the oldest hair transplantation methods, is less preferred than other techniques. The reason why it is less preferred is; It leaves scars and feels more pain compared to other methods. In this method, the hair follicles to be used for planting from the back of the head, behind the ears, are cut together with the existing skin layer from the nape area between the two ears and added to the required area.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Technique

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a hair transplant technique performed without cutting the scalp. Since there will be no incision during the procedure, there is no scarring. It is the most preferred hair transplant method. In the FUE hair transplant technique, hair follicles are selected one by one from the donor area and then implanted in the area to be transplanted.

Things to Consider After Hair Transplant

  • Attention should be paid to the planted area for a week or 10 days after the application.
  • Hair follicles should be protected from trauma and impact.
  • The areas where hair follicles are taken and transplanted should be washed with a special shampoo. Instead of pouring the shampoo directly on the scalp, a small amount of shampoo should be taken into the palm and applied by foaming.
  • No rubbing should be done and should be treated as gently as possible.
  • It can be massaged gently and slowly using fingertips throughout the wash.
  • Towels should not be used after the washing process is finished. Paper towels should be used instead of towels. Also, a hair dryer should be used.
  • This shampooing and washing can be done every day to remove the crusting that occurs after hair transplantation.
  • Washing can be done once a day and should not be done more.
  • After an average of 7 or 10 days, there should be no trace of these crusts. It should not be exposed to direct sun.
  • After an average of 14 days, the normal washing phase can be started.

How is Hair Transplantation Applied?

Before starting the hair transplant operation, the patient’s expectations are listened to, and then various analyzes and hair analyzes are performed by the specialist plastic surgeon. After the analysis, the region and amount of the grafts and the area to be transplanted are determined. Local anesthesia is applied during the operation. Thus, you can have a painless operation.


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The growth of new hair varies from person to person. However, this period can usually be between the first 6 months and 1 year.

This application should be planned and implemented in the hospital environment by experts in the field.

It takes between 4 and 10 hours, depending on the hand experience of the hair transplant team, the technique used and the size of the area to be transplanted.

The person performing the hair transplant should be a specialist surgeon in the field. The applied hair transplant operation is permanent.

Redness, crusting and, in some cases, bruising are seen in the hair transplant area. There is no harm other than the side effects.

Hair transplantation can be performed on women, regardless of gender.

Hair transplantation is an application with a very high success rate. We see a 100% success rate in our clinic. The fact that the person who will have hair transplantation is a suitable candidate and the team that will do the planting is experienced increases the success rate. Therefore, working with an expert team, that is, the right clinic, and using the right technique will lead you to successful hair transplantation.

The cost of the operation varies according to the number of grafts to be taken from the patient and needed by the patient. You can contact us for more information.

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